
What Next

I haven’t been posting primarily because I can’t upload pictures and I need the pictures to prompt the words. I don’t remember where we’ve been

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Ravensthorpe to Albany

Info at Ravensthorpe allowed us to access a pooter to book a site at the Fitzgerald River National Park campground. Tough, it was full. But,

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Here I Am Again

Now I’m not sure where I left off on the last entry cos I’m too lazy to look but suffice to say we are now

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Now I’m Awake

Weellll, more so than I was. Anyway, 24 June came around, Robyn had come down to Benalla to join us on the next journey but

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I’ve been sleeping

August 2023. The last post!!!! Where the hell does time go. I suppose when you do nothing, nothing happens worth reporting. BUT – Jude had

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A Long Time Coming

I’ve been pretty slack over the last couple of years (obviously, I hear you say) but there’s been a few good reasons. A. we’ve hardly

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The Bucket List

Mightn’t seem like a big ask but there were some holes in our travel coverage and this was to be the trip to fill them

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Well this is a new beginning!!! Reported earlier though was our change from towing to being towed. Yes, no home towing car we are now

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End of an era

Its been a while since posting last. There’s not been much to say. I suppose the most poignant report though is the fact that the

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